The accurate manufacturing of its elements, with use of the latest cut, fold, paint, motion mechanisms, and control systems technology raises BigBag filler in one of the most evolved and secure bagging machines manufactured in the market.

Manual Big Bag filler
Suitable for small productions.
The clamping of the mouth and loops is manual.
Suitable for productions of 10-15 BB/hour.
It has structural elements for loading the BB by a forklift.

Semiautomatic Big Bag filler
It exists in a gross weight version, so the machine has pneumatic arms to hold handles or net weight, which does not require holding the handles.
When working with different size Big Bags, medium Big Bags or want to pile up various into the same pallet, the motorized elevator can be installed as a replacement for the lifting table.
The maximum production on granulated products is up to 80 BB/h.

Automatic Big Bag filler
The machine works with a robot which takes the Big Bag from a coil. The Big Bags are rolled in a coil by overlapping them. This system only requires that the BB has a filling mouth.
It works without the manipulation of the handles ( 1 or 4 ) and is supported at its base during filling.
Dosage systems can be:
- With gross weight weigher for granulates.
- With loss weight weigher for micronized powdered products or “super ventilated”.
A feeding from a bovine can feed up to 3 filling mouths, so productions of:
- 80 BB/hour with one mouth.
- 180 BB/hour with three mouths.
In the same installation, the Big Bag is closed in a automatic way by heat sealing or “flejado”.